HC Deb 19 June 1967 vol 748 cc186-7W
Mr. Awdry

asked the Minister of Transport what are the annual figures for proft or loss on each of the 29 ports operated by the British Transport Docks Board for the years 1963 to 1966, together with aggregate figures for this period.

Mr. Swingler

The following is the information:

which were owned and operated by the Commission, and which were distributed between the British Transport Docks Board, the British Waterways Board and the British Railways Board as from 1st January, 1963.

Figures for individual ports are not available, and it will be noticed that these figures are not on a comparable basis to those given for British Transport Docks Board ports.

Year South Vales Humber South and South Western North Eastern North Western Scottish Others Total
£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £
1948 -669,982 -722,154 343,704 217,685 -224,834 -63,905 -209,998 -1,329,484
1949 -432,779 -585,656 370,544 257,401 -326,118 -84,552 -40,388 -841,548
1950 -205,330 -302,230 537,569 333,485 -266,125 -95,200 -57,016 -54,847
1951 -22,958 -80,120 757,264 384,249 -143,082 -22,207 -55,905 817,241
1952 342,008 366,209 998,910 574,764 76,745 -5,835 45,591 2,398,392
1953 454,742 561,128 855,328 589,629 60,212 43,217 -117,344 2,446,912
1954 489,325 276,020 1,156,753 518,190 57,129 145,813 -57,819 2,585,411
1955 609,589 156,241 1,422,438 513,952 154,088 167,325 -33,733 2,989,900
1956 290,549 258,437 1,250,963 501,584 233,648 165,130 -162,676 2,537,635
1957 315,954 150,838 1,081,121 694,006 155,633 102,274 -67,149 2,432,677
1958 294,876 179,171 1,183,261 592,669 -179,190 156,244 -59,583 2,167,448
1959 527,603 578,722 1,182,638 575,327 -263,439 149,100 17,377 2,767,328
1960 474,601 1,181,126 1,306,430 619,592 -150,787 205,284 -74,305 3,561,941
1961 509,450 1,543,097 1,350,896 714,049 -126,315 163,410 -41,987 4,112,600
1962 654,529 1,550,859 1,168,899 427,645 -279,068 176,624 -31,708 3,667,780
(a) The figures are after charging depreciation on plant and equipment (including vehicles and ships) only. Renewals of dock buildings and structures were charged to revenue, whilst expenditure on additional assets and improvements was charged to capital.
(b) These results made no allowance for any allocation of central charges and interest on capital.

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