HC Deb 17 January 1967 vol 739 c7W
39. Mr. Arthur Lewis

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he will give a detailed list of the overseas visits made by Ministers during the Christmas

Ministers Officials Dates Destinations and Purposes
Prime Minister 38 15–17 Jan. Rome: Common Market Discussions.
Foreign Secretary
Commonwealth Secretary 6 12–17 Jan. Malta: Discussions of Defence Run-Down with Maltese Government.
Defence Secretary 11 15–16 Jan. France: Discussion of Anglo-French Aircraft projects with French Minister of Defence.
Minister of Aviation
Minister of Transport 2 16–18 Jan. Bonn: To meet the new German Minister of Transport.
Minister of Power 10 12–13 Jan. Luxembourg: Annual Meeting of the Council of Association of the E.C.S.
Minister of State Board of Trade
Minister of Technology 4 10–11 Jan. West Germany: Discussion on U.K./German Co-operation.
Parl. Sec., Board of Trade (Lord Walston) 1 (Part of Time) 7–30 Jan. South America: Tour to encourage political and economic links.