HC Deb 20 December 1967 vol 756 c466W
Mr. Hooson

asked the Secretary of State for Wales (1) whether he will take steps to commission the Economics Department of the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, to bring up to date the work on the Structure of the Welsh Economy published in September, 1966; and whether he will take steps to enlarge the scope of their work;

(2) whether he will commission special studies in the economic departments of the various colleges of the University of Wales with a view to increasing the economic intelligence available on Wales.

Mr. Cledwyn Hughes:

A substantial and growing amount of information on the Welsh economy is already available to the Welsh Office, but if it proves necessary to commission further research in the particular field mentioned by the hon. and learned Member, I shall certainly consider asking those best qualified in the University of \Vales to carry it out.

I am sure the colleges will also take their own initiatives in keeping their research work up-to-date.

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