HC Deb 19 November 1965 vol 720 c112W
Mr. Walter Harrison

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science (1) how many classes were in excess of 40 students in primary schools in the West Riding of Yorkshire and the Wakefield City education authority areas, respectively, in 1961 to 1965, respectively;

(2) how many classes were in excess of 30 students in secondary schools in the West Riding and in the Wakefield City education authority areas, respectively, in 1961 to 1965, respectively;

(3) what was the national average number of students per class in primary and secondary schools, respectively, in 1961 to 1965, respectively;

(4) how many classes were in excess of 40 in primary schools and in excess of 30 in secondary schools, respectively, in 1961 to 1965, respectively.

Mr. Crosland

The Table below gives the available information: