HC Deb 18 November 1965 vol 720 c94W
47 Sir D. Kaberry

asked the Minister of Health if he is aware that an immigrant from Kenya suffering from active leprosy for the past 22 years was admitted to this country nine weeks ago and is now a patient at the General Infirmary at Leeds; and what checks or examinations were made at the port or point of entry.

Mr. K. Robinson

I understand that this man is a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies who was travelling on a United Kingdom passport. As such he was not subject to medical examination under the Commonwealth Immigrants Act, 1962. Like any other entrant, whether immigrant, visitor or returning resident, he would have been medically examined under the Public Health (Aircraft) Regulations if his appearance or any other factor had caused infectious disease to be suspected; but I gather that in his case no such suspicion arose and that, therefore, a medical examination was not carried out.