HC Deb 26 January 1965 vol 705 cc150-1W
Sir J. Eden

asked the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs what steps he is now taking to safeguard the lives and properties of British citizens in the Congo.

Mr. George Thomson

Since my hon. Friend answered a Question by the right hon. Gentleman the Member for Conway (Mr. Peter Thomas), on 21st December, 10 more British subjects have been rescued by the Congolese Government forces. Seventeen of those who are believed to have been in rebel hands remain unaccounted for, but it is unhappily likely that some of these may no longer be alive.

Her Majesty's Ambassador is constantly watching the stituation and will continue to give appropriate warnings to those affected and to their parent organisations if any change in the situation requires it.

77. Mrs. Shirley

Williams asked the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs what action has been taken by Her Majesty's Government to carry out the recommendations of the United Nations resolution of 30th December relating to the Congo.

Mr. George Thomson

Those parts of the resolution which call for action by States outside the Congo request them to refrain or desist from intervening in the domestic affairs of the Congo and to assist the Organisation of African Unity in its efforts to help the Congolese Government to achieve national reconciliation. The Government are not intervening and have no intention of intervening in the domestic affairs of the Congo, and it has always been their policy to encourage the Organisation of African Unity to take the lead in helping to resolve the Congolese problem. We remain ready to assist the Organisation in any way open to us.