Mr. Alan Williamsasked the President of the Board of Trade whether he will announce further measures to help exporters.
§ Mr. JayYes, I can announce that:
- (i) A booklet is now being widely distributed amongst exporters by the Board of Trade entitled "Simpler Export Documents". It introduces an aligned series of newly designed export documents which can be completed in one typing operation. The system offers substantial economies. I hope that all those concerned with the completion of export documents will benefit by the advantages it provides. Copies of the booklet have been placed in the Library.
- (ii) The scale of assistance in support of joint ventures organised at overseas trade fairs by trade associations and similar bodies will be increased.
- (iii) A Government contribution will be made to the cost of joint advertising by trade associations participating at over- 226 seas events such as trade fairs, British weeks and store promotions.
- (iv) The newly-expanded British Overseas Engineering Services Bureau will be supported by the Board of Trade who, with private enterprise, will jointly bear the running costs of this organisation. The objects of the Bureau are to make British consultancy services better known overseas and to secure business for them. In appropriate cases, in consultation with the Government, it will select feasibility surveys for financial assistance.
- (v) Arrangements are to be made to promote the overseas distribution of trade directories and buyers guides sponsored by trade associations. The British National Export Council have agreed to administer the scheme, and as soon as details have been worked out, trade associations will be informed.
In so far as these measures involve additional expenditure from public funds, supplementary estimates will be submitted in due course. In the meantime, advances will be made if necessary from the Civil Contingencies Fund.