HC Deb 06 April 1965 vol 710 cc57-8W
Sir G. Sinclair

asked the First Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Economic Affairs to what extent his preliminary examination of the state of race relations in Great Britain has revealed the extent of adequate, reliable and factual information about the situation in the country at large; and what consideration he has given to offering support from Government funds to the work of the Institute of Race Relations in respect of its survey of race relations in Great Britain, and to enable the Institute to make its other work in this field as comprehensive and effective as possible.

Mr. Foley

There is a general lack of accurate statistical information about Commonwealth immigrants in this country. I am considering how this situation can best be remedied and will bear in mind the suggestion of support for the Institute of Race Relations.

Sir G. Sinclair

asked the First Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, in view of his overall responsibility for co-ordinating measures to help immigrants to adjust themselves to life in Great Britain, to what extent it is the policy of Her Majesty's Government that, where local authorities require and apply for additional funds for special measures for this purpose, especially in the fields of housing, health and education, the Government will give help.

Mr. Foley

The extent to which local authorities need special assistance, and how this can best be given, will emerge in the course of my inquiries into the problems of integrating Commonwealth immigrants into the community.

Sir G. Sinclair

asked the First Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Economic Affairs if he will inquire into the special problems that immigrants have in securing credit for the buying and renting of houses and take steps to ensure that they get the best advice.

Mr. Foley

The special problems which immigrants have in securing credit for buying or renting houses and in obtaining advice are discussed in the Milner Holland Report (Cmd. 2605). I will bear these problems in mind in considering what measures can usefully be taken to secure the integration of immigrants into the community.