HC Deb 27 November 1964 vol 702 c232W
Mr. Forrest

asked the President of the Board of Trade how many steers, heifers, bulls and milch cows entered the United Kingdom from Eire during the past 12 months up to the last convenient date; and how this compares with the year 1954.

Mr. Redhead

Figures in the form requested are not available. Imports of all cattle from the Irish Republic were:

Year 1954 October, 1963– September, 1964
Bulls and bullocks 419,720 520,760
Cows, including heifers— For breeding or for dairy purposes * 5,172
Other 172,660 172,054
Calves 1,226 *
Other, including buffaloes * 430
593,606 698,416
*Not separately designated.

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