HC Deb 17 November 1964 vol 702 cc42-3W
Mr. Arthur Lewis

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he will publish in HANSARD a table of figures giving the annual percentage rise and fall in national production, the cost of living, the purchasing value of the £ sterling, the terms of trade, imports and exports, Surtax, and National Insurance contributions since October, 1951, taking that date as equalling 100.

Mr. MacDermot

The table below shows the first seven items mentioned in the Question expressed in index form, taking October, 1951, or the calendar year 1951 as 100. The changes in rates of National Insurance contributions cannot conveniently be shown in this way because of the variations between different classes of contributor but my hon. Friend will find full information about the rates payable in October, 1951, and subsequent changes in Table 46 of the Annual Abstract of Statistics.

79. Mr. Gower

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will take steps to enable electors on holiday at the time of future elections to vote by post.

Sir Frank Soskice

I would refer the hon. Members to the reply which I gave on 12th November to Questions by the hon Members for Dorset, West (Mr. Wingfield Digby) and the hon. and learned Member for Ruislip-Northwood (Mr. Crowder).