HC Deb 13 May 1964 vol 695 cc62-3W
Mr. Airey Neave

asked the Minister of Transport whether, in view of his answer to the hon. Member for Abingdon in November 1962 that he expected work to start on the East Ilsley bypass in the autumn of 1963, he will make a statement on when he now expects work to start.

Mr. Galbraith

Probably this autumn. I cannot give a definite date until the statutory procedures are completed.

Mr. Neave

asked the Minister of Transport (1) whether he is aware of the numerous serious accidents at East Ilsley endangering lives and property, and rendering homeless a family of seven on 9th May as a result of the destruction of their house by a lorry; and whether he will issue instructions to his divisional road engineer to take emergency steps to reduce the speed of all vehicles passing through the village, pending the completion of a bypass;

(2) if, in consultation with the Berkshire County Council and the Chief Constable for Berkshire, he will order a special speed limit in East Ilsley to reduce the danger of serious accidents.

Mr. Galbraith

I am aware of and regret the accidents at East Ilsley. On present information I do not consider the solution is to reduce the existing 30 m.p.h. limit, which is well observed, but I will look into the matter further.

Mr. Neave

asked the Minister of Transport what steps have been taken to complete arrangements to acquire land for the proposed East Ilsley bypass since his answer to the hon. Member for Abingdon on 2nd November 1962; and whether he will make a statement on the reasons why the necessary procedures have not yet been completed.

Mr. Galbraith

Further engineering work was necessary on the layout of side roads and a draft Order under Section 9 of the Highways Act, 1959, was advertised on 17th August, 1963. Objections to this Order are still under consideration. It is expected that the statutory procedures will be completed shortly.

Mr. Neave

asked the Minister of Transport whether he will give immediate instructions to his divisional road engineer to install permanent traffic signals on the one-way system at East Ilsley.

Mr. Galbraith

On present information I do not consider that permanent traffic signals are justified here, but I will look into the matter.

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