§ Mr. Denzil Freethasked the Secretary of State for Education and Science how many children educated by the Hampshire Education Authority achieved passes at O level and A level of the General Certificate of Education in 1951 and 1963, respectively.
§ Mr. Denzil Freethasked the Secretary of State for Education and Science what proportion of pupils at maintained, controlled, and aided schools in the administrative area of the Hampshire Education Authority are in the current academic year remaining at school after the age of 15 years; and what proportion so remained in the year 1951–52.
§ Mr. HoggThe number of 15-year-old pupils in January, 1963 (the latest date for which information is available), expressed as a percentage of 13-year-old pupils two years earlier, was 44.6 per cent. The comparable figure for January, 1952, was 22.2 per cent.
§ Mr. Denzil Freethasked the Secretary of State for Education and Science what was the total expenditure of the Hampshire Local Education Authority for the financial years 1951–52 and 1963–64 adjusted for the falling value of money; and what percentage of the total in each case was provided by rates.
§ Mr. HoggExpenditure by Hampshire local education authority in 1951–52 was £2.8 million (excluding school meals and milk). The estimated expenditure for 1963–64 adjusted to 1951–52 prices is about £8.3 million.
Value of approved programmes Year Major (£000) Minor (£000) Schools Further Education Special Schools Youth Services 1963–64 … … … 1,593 326 40 28 155 1964–65 … … … 1,787 — 95 58 220 1965–66 … … … 1,820 307 107 57 —† 1966–67 … … … 2,015 —* 94 —* —† * Proposals for 1966–67 have not yet been invited. † The minor works allocations for 1965–66 and 1966–67 have not yet been announced.
§ Mr. Denzil Freethasked the Secretary of State for Education and Science, what number of school teachers, full-time and part-time, were employed by the Hampshire Education Authority in 1951 and at the latest available date; and, at each date, what was the ratio between full-time teachers, or equivalent part-time teachers, and pupils.
§ Mr. HoggThe information is given in the following table:
January, January, 1951 1963 Full-time teachers 2,609 4,619 Full-time equivalent of part-time teachers. 18 128 Pupils per teacher 28.0 25.0 In 1951–52 approximately 42 per cent. was met from rates. It is not possible to say what proportion was met from rates in 1963–64, since under general grant the Exchequer contribution cannot be allocated to individual services.
§ Mr. Denzil Freethasked the Secretary of State for Education and Science what are the allocations to the Hampshire Education Authority for major and minor works for the financial years 1963–64, 1964–65, 1965–66, and 1966–67, respectively.
§ Mr. Denzil Freethasked the Secretary of State for Education and Science, what increase there has been since 1951 in the number of advanced courses provided and of students attending them at technical and arts colleges in the county of Hampshire including the county boroughs.
§ Mr. Hogg1958 is the earliest year for which figures are available comparable to those for 1963. The following table shows the increases between 1958 and 1963 in numbers of advanced courses provided at grant-aided establishments for further education in the county of Hampshire, including county boroughs, and the corresponding increases in numbers of students:
Advanced courses Advanced students Number in Autumn 1958 Number in Autumn 1963 Percentage increase 1958–1963 Number in Autumn 1958 Number in Autumn 1963 Percentage increase 1958–1963 Full-time … 41 65 58 469 1,196 155 Sandwich … 5 14 180 76 430 466 Part-time day … 62 90 45 962 1,862 94 Evenings only … 38 67 76 749 1,180 58 All types … 146 236 62 2,256 4,668 107