§ 33. Mr. Dalyellasked the Lord President of the Council and Minister for Science if he will publish a table showing the numbers and value of Department of Scientific and Industrial Research grants to students working in the field of pure science, as compared to the number and value of Department of Scientific and Industrial Research grants to students working in the field of electrical and mechanical engineering.
§ Mr. HoggThe number of awards in the various subjects are published in the annual reports of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. Figures for 1963 have not yet been published and, with permission, I will circulate a table in the Official Report. This will also show the value of the awards, which is the same in pure or applied science and engineering.
Following is the table:
D.S.I.R. POSTGRADUATE STUDENTSHIPS Subject Total current on 1st November, 1963 Number of these awarded in 1963 Biology and Bio-chemistry 486 203 Chemical Engineering and Metallurgy 308 162 Chemistry 1,077 427 Electrical Engineering 197 110 Other Engineering 376 241 Geology 264 114 Human Sciences 123 87 Mathematics 411 242 Physics 794 346 Totals 4,036 1,932 D.S.I.R. studentships in pure or applied science or engineering are of the following value: £450 p.a. for students living in college, hostel or lodgings. £340 p.a. for students living at home. Approved fees are also paid, and dependants' and other allowances are paid in appropriate cases. Details of the rates are published in H.M.S.O. booklet "D.S.I.R. Studentships and Fellowships 1963" price 3s., a copy of which has been placed in the Library of the House.