HC Deb 18 November 1963 vol 684 cc53-4W
Mr. Mason

asked the Postmaster-General (1) what was the size of the order list for telephones in each telephone area in the United Kingdom at 30th September, 1963;

(2) what was the size of the waiting list for telephones in each area in the United Kingdom at 30th September, 1963; and what proportion this bore in each case to the total number of subscribers in the area.

Mr. Bevins

The figures are as follows: the difference between the order and waiting lists represents applications under inquiry or being met

Telephone Area Order List 30th September 1963 Waiting list 30th September 1963 Waiting list as a percentage of total number of subscribers
Aberdeen 1,008 57 0.09
Bedford 3,992 1,624 2.7
Belfast 2,242 308 0.3
Birmingham 7,905 3,926 2.6
Blackburn 2,433 919 1.3
Bournemouth 1,687 251 0.3
Bradford 1,659 171 0.2
Brighton 4,566 984 0.8
Bristol 3,030 690 0.6
Cambridge 3,811 1,675 2.5
Canterbury 4,159 2,293 2.9
Cardiff 3,435 982 1.2
Chester 1,695 449 0.8
Colchester 1,920 494 0.9
Coventry 5,165 2,419 3.4
Dundee 654 50 0.1
Edinburgh 1,148 120 0.1
Exeter 1,302 28 0.04
Glasgow 3,732 750 0.4
Gloucester 1,636 489 0.9
Guildford 4,385 2,073 2.9
Lancaster 1,245 361 0.8
Leeds 2,885 861 0.9
Leicester 2,354 614 0.7
Lincoln 2,377 995 1.8
Liverpool 4,000 790 0.4
Centre 4,261 Nil Nil
City 2,445 Nil Nil
East 3,023 409 0.2
North 5,514 569 0.3
North-West 4,755 59 0.03

Telephone Area Order List 30th September 1963 Waiting list 30thSeptember 1963 Waiting list as a percentage of total number of subscribers
South-East 3,452 3 0.001
South-West 6,151 1,138 0.4
West 7,806 1,423 0.6
Manchester 9,214 2,481 1.1
Middles-brough 1,497 340 0.6
Newcastle-on-Tyne 3,069 946 0.9
Norwich 1,230 231 0.5
Nottingham 1,357 227 0.2
Oxford 4,763 2,532 3.8
Peterborough 1,176 237 0.5
Plymouth 1,155 72 0.1
Portsmouth 3,153 1,586 2.5
Preston 3,159 759 0.9
Reading 5,701 2,951 3.5
Scotland, West 3,174 1,113 1.1
Sheffield 3,092 812 1.0
Shrewsbury 1,355 396 0.8
Southampton 2,283 570 1.0
Southend-on Sea 4,132 1,436 2.2
Stoke-on-Trent 1,276 37 0.08
Swansea 911 Nil Nil
Taunton 1,112 77 0.2
Tunbridge Wells 1,780 350 0.5
West Midland 5,274 2,387 2.6
York 1,987 604 1.1