HC Deb 19 March 1963 vol 674 c31W
53. Mr. G. Roberts

asked the Secretary for Technical Co-operation what information is being collected and disseminated by his Department regarding places available in the public and private sectors of industry for the practical training of Commonwealth students.

Mr. Vosper

My Department is responsible for meeting requests for training made through overseas Governments and I appreciate the response of public and private industry in this country. I do not think it will be practicable to draw up and circulate lists of training places which might be available irrespective of expressed demands from Governments.

However, with the full support of my own and other Departments, the Federation of British Industries is convening a private conference in April, which will be attended by representatives of a number of British firms, to consider various aspects of the problem of placing overseas students for practical training in industrial concerns in this country.