HC Deb 27 June 1963 vol 679 cc164-6W
Mr. Brockway

asked the Minister of Labour how the British delegations voted on the motion at the International Labour Office conference that the South African workers' delegate should be excluded on the ground that he represented white trades unions only; and if he will circulate in the Official Report an analysis of the 135 votes in favour, the 3 against and the 57 who abstained.

Mr. Hare

The minority report of the Credentials Committee of the conference recommended that the conference should refuse to admit the workers' delegate of the Republic of South Africa to the session of the conference which has just ended. The United Kingdom workers' delegate voted in favour of adoption of this report; the Government delegates and the employers' delegates abstained. The details of the vote are set out below.

Record Vote on the Minority Report Submitted by the Workers' Member of the Credentials Committee
For (135)
Argentina: Austria:
G; G; W. G; G; W.
Australia: Belgium:
W. G; G; W

Brazil: Jamaica:
G; W. W.
Bulgaria: Luxembourg:
G; G; E; W G; G; W
Byelorussia: Malaya:
G; G; E; W. G; G.
Canada: Mexico:
G; G; W G; G; E; W
Ceylon: Netherlands:
W. G; G; W
Chile: New Zealand:
W. W.
China: Norway:
W. G; G; E; W
Colombia: Pakistan:
G; W. G; G; E; W
Costa Rica: Panama:
W. G; G; E; W
Cuba: Peru:
G; G; E; W. W.
Cyprus: Philippines:
G; G; E; W G; G;E; W.
Czechoslovakia: Poland:
G; G;E; W. G; G; E; W.
Denmark: Portugal:
G; G; W W.
Ecuador: Rumania:
G; G; W G; G; E; W
Finland: Sweden:
G; G;W. G; G; W.
France: Switzerland:
G; G;W. W.
Fed. Republic of Germany: Thailand:
G; G; W G; G.
Greece: Turkey:
W. G; G; E; W
Honduras: Ukraine:
G; W. G; G; E; W.
Hungary: U.S.S.R.
G; G; E; W. G; G; E; W.
India: United Kingdom:
G. G. W.
Iran: United States:
G; G. G; G; E; W
Ireland: Venezuela:
W. G; G; E.
Israel: Viet-Nam:
G; G;W. G; W.
G; G; W.

Against (3)
Republic of South Africa:
G; G; W.

Abstentions (57)
Australia: Costa Rica:
G; G; E. G.
Austria: Cyprus:
E. E.
Belgium: Denmark:
E. E.
Brazil: Finland:
G; E. E.
Canada: France:
E. E.
Ceylon: Federal Republic of Germany:
E. E.
Chile: Greece:
E. E.
G; G; E.

Indonesia: Panama:
E. E.
Ireland: Peru:
G; G;E. E.
Israel: Portugal:
E. G; G; E.
Italy: Republic of South Africa:
E. E.
Jamaica: Spain:
E. G; G; E.
Japan: Sweden:
G; G; E. E.
Malaya: Switzerland:
E. G; G; E.
Mexico: Turkey:
E. E.
Netherlands: United Kingdom:
E. G; G; E.
New Zealand: United States:
G; G; E. E.
Norway: Uruguay:
E. E.
'G' indicates Government delegate, 'E' indicates Employers' delegate and 'W' indicates Workers' delegate.