HC Deb 25 January 1963 vol 670 cc108-9W
Mr. Prentice

asked the Minister of Labour in what industries there are now joint safety committees for the whole industry with which the Factory Inspectorate is officially associated; and what is his policy regarding the setting up of more committees of this kind.

Mr. Hare

There are joint committees for the cotton, wool, jute, paper, pottery and cutlery industries, for drop forgings, and for iron, steel and non-ferrous foundries. There is also a Joint Advisory Committee on Safety and Health in the Construction Industries of which my hon. Friend the Parliamentary Secretary is Chairman. My policy is to set up such committees where specific problems arise which I consider can most usefully be tackled by pooling in this way the knowledge and experience of my Department and representatives of the particular industry concerned, But the job of promoting safety activities in general in an industry is better done, in my view, by machinery set up and run by the industry itself, close liaison being maintained with my Department.