HC Deb 15 May 1962 vol 659 cc109-10W
Mr. Gibson-Watt

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what were the quantities of butter imported from Argentina, France and South Africa, respectively, in the last two years; and what percentages these represented of total home butter consumption.

Mr. Vane

The following are the figures:

1960 1961
Tons Per cent. of total disposals Tons Per cent. of total disposals
Imports from:
Argentine 15,539 3.6 11,229 2.4
France 3,720 0.9 15,676 3.4
Union of South Africa 65 0.02 11,905 2.6
Total butter disposals (a) in U.K. 431,000 tons 464,000 tons
(a) Disposals represent the total quantities (home-produced and imported) of butter moving into the U.K. market after allowing for changes in cold store stocks. They include exports and re-exports which, in the case of butter, are of negligible proportions. They therefore broadly represent consumption, but also reflect any changes in levels of stocks held by wholesalers and retailers.