§ 53. Mr. Masonasked the Postmaster-General if he will exercise his powers under Section 9 (2) of the Television Act, 1954, to require the Independent Television Authority not to broadcast any programme which depicts violence or horror.
§ Mr. BevinsNo. I am not prepared to impose this requirement on the Authority. Even if I were, I do not know how the Authority could comply with it. The Authority tells me, however, that all programmes likely to contain violence are previewed and that its Children's Advisory Committee has begun to study afresh the general question of violence on television. The Authority also expects to receive quite soon the report of the joint B.B.C./I.T.A. Committee on the Nuffield Report on Children and Television.
§ Mr. Mayhewasked the Postmaster-General what communications he has sent to the Independent Television Authority under Article 9 (2) of the Television Act, 1954, requiring the Authority to refrain from broadcasting scenes of violence and brutality.
§ Mr. BevinsNone. I have not felt it right to impose such a requirement on the Authority. Even if I did so, I do not know how the Authority could comply with it. The Authority tells me, however, that all programmes likely to contain violence are previewed and that its Children's Advisory Committee has begun to study afresh the general question of violence on television. The Authority also expects to receive, quite soon, the report of the joint B.B.C./ I.T.A. Committee on the Nuffield Report on Children and Television.