HC Deb 26 March 1959 vol 602 cc176-7W
Mr. Malcolm MacMillan

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty whether he has considered the protests sent to him from the Free Church of Scotland ministers in the Isle of Lewis against the proposal to extend and use Stornoway Airport as a North Atlantic Treaty Organisation base; and what his reply was.

Mr. T. G. D. Galbraith

Yes; the Clerk of the Free Church Presbytery of Lewis has been informed of the strategic need to establish an airfield in the northwest Scotland area, and that the present civil airfield at Stornoway is the site which most nearly meets defence requirements.

He has been assured that if current investigations show that it would be practicable and economical to develop the airfield to N.A.T.O. standards, and if it is consequently decided to proceed with this project, planning clearance will be sought in the usual way, which means that the interested authorities will be consulted.

My right honourable Friend the Secretary of State for Scotland would be responsible for consulting the appropriate public bodies and is aware of the views of the Free Church of Scotland in this matter.

The reverend gentleman has also been told that every effort would be made to carry out the development in such a way as to cause the least possible hardship to local people; and that it is intended to

Total Number Enrolled From Western Isles Percentage Remarks
1938 962 162 16.8 Includes Patrol Service and General Service.
1958 154 1 0.6 Patrol Service only. The General Service section was abolished in 1957.