HC Deb 29 June 1959 vol 608 c1W
5. Mr. Hale

asked the Minister of Pensions and National Insurance how many grants of industrial injury benefits have been made in the twelve months to the most recent convenient date notwithstanding an adverse decision on appeal; how many applications for industrial injury benefits were made in the twelve months to the most recent convenient date; how many were refused; and how many resulted in an assessment of less than 30 per cent. disability.

Mr. Boyd-Carpenter

As decisions in these cases are the responsibility of independent statutory authorities no payment is or can be made after an adverse decision on appeal. In a period of twelve months ending in June, 1957, some 815,000 applications for industrial injury benefit were made of which some 780,000 resulted in awards. It is estimated that in the same period some 160,000 first claims for industrial disablement benefit were made and that there were about 120,000 awards including 80,000 awards of gratuities in respect of disablement assessed at less than 20 per cent. The number of other awards which were for disablement assessed at less than 30 per cent. is not known. However, of 148,275 pensions in payment at 31st October, 1957, 67,660 were for assessments of 30 per cent. or more.