HL Deb 09 July 1959 vol 217 cc1008-10WA

asked Her Majesty's Government if the Leader of the House would state what is the accepted practice as to correction of the OFFICIAL REPORT.


Amendments can be made to the OFFICIAL REPORT either—

  1. (a) on the day of the debate, to the typescript before it goes to press; or
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  3. (b) up to fourteen days after the debate, to the printed daily part so that the corrected version can appear in the subsequent bound volumes.

All amendments are submitted to the Editor of the OFFICIAL REPORT, who has complete discretion.

Amendments may be either—

  1. (i) minor corrections or corrections to perfect the report, both classes of which are, in general, accepted by the Editor without further investigation; or
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  3. (ii) alterations affecting the sense of the speech which are accepted only after verification by the Editor.

If an accepted alteration is of sufficient importance an erratum note is included in a subsequent daily part, and the speaker can, if he thinks it necessary, make a Personal Statement in the House. Likewise, a speaker whose alteration has not been accepted may make a Personal Statement.

House adjourned at one minute before seven o'clock