HC Deb 10 March 1958 vol 584 c14W
68. Mr. Nabarro

asked the Paymaster-General whether he will make a statement as to the terms of reference, the composition, and the method of publication of the Report of the Committee to be established for the purpose of investigating means of improved co-operation between the gas and electricity area boards, and associated matters.

Sir I. Horobin

The terms of reference of the Committee which my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Scotland and my noble Friend have decided to appoint areTo consider ways in which, by co-operation between the Area and Scottish Electricity and Gas Boards in the performance of their respective statutory functions, the administration of the services of a like kind provided to the public by the two industries might be improved; and to make recommendations.

The following have accepted invitations to serve: Sir Cecil Weir, as Chairman and Mr. R. R. B. Brown, Mr. G. le B. Diamond, Sir Edward Herbert, Sir John Imrie, Sir Henry Jones, Mr. C. T. Melling and Mr. Austin Morley as members of the Committee. Another appointment is being made and will be announced in due course.

The Secretary to the Committee will be Mr. W. R. G. Bell of the Ministry of Power, Thames House South, Millbank, London, S.W.1.

The Report of the Committee will be presented to Parliament in the usual way.