HC Deb 30 July 1958 vol 592 cc125-6W
29. Mr. H. Wilson

asked the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation what representations he has received about the inadequacy of the present law relating to omnibus travel concessions for old-age pensioners, particularly in new areas not served by omnibus routes operating in November 1954; and whether he will now introduce legislation to remove anomalies and hardship.

Mr. Watkinson

None but those made by the right hon. Member himself. I do not consider fresh legislation would be justified.

30. Mr. H. Wilson

asked the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation if he is aware that a large number of old-age pensioners now living on the Kirkby Housing Estate, near Liverpool, who were in possession of free omnibus passes when living within Liverpool, are now denied these concessions as they live on or near omnibus routes where no omnibus service was operating in November 1954; and, in view of the hardship involved, if he will institute an immediate survey of the problem in Kirkby and similar areas.

Mr. Watkinson

The right hon. Member wrote to me some while ago about this matter. I am not satisfied that a survey would serve any useful purpose.