§ Mr. Philip Bellasked the Minister of Education how many places are at present provided in primary schools, secondary schools, and grammar schools, respectively, which were erected by denominational bodies, and wholly at public expense, respectively.
§ Mr. Geoffrey LloydIt is not possible to give details of the number of places which existing schools were designed to provide or of how their erection was financed, but the following table shows the number of pupils attending different116W types of primary and secondary schools in England and Wales in January, 1956.
Number of pupils attending Status of Schools Primary and all age Secondary Grammar Other County 3,255,281 405,708 1,392,540 Controlled 477,820 68,378 20,003 Aided, Special Agreement and Status not determined (including transitionally assisted) 859,115 70,033 100,208 Total 4,592,216 544,119 1,512,751
§ Mr. Philip Bellasked the Minister of Education how many places have been provided since 1945 in primary schools, and secondary schools which have been erected by denominational bodies and wholly at public expense, respectively.
§ Mr. Geoffrey LloydThe information available is as follows:
NEW PLACES TAKEN INTO USE FROM 1945 TO 30TH JUNE, 1957, AT PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN ENGLAND AND WALES (SEE FOOTNOTE). Status of schools Number of places Primary Secondary County and controlled 732,740 445,150 Aided, Special Agreement and status not determined (including transitionally assisted) 47,730 30,495 Footnote: The table excludes 319,230 new places at primary schools provided by minor works and 308,255 new places at secondary schools provided by the Hutted Operation for the Raising of the School Leaving Age and minor works. An analysis of these figures according to the status of the schools is not available.
§ Mr. Philip Bellasked the Minister of Education how many places will be provided upon the completion of those schools in the course of erection and for which the commencement of building has been approved in primary schools and secondary schools by denominational bodies, and wholly at public expense, respectively.
§ Mr. Geoffrey LloydThe information is as follows:
NEW PLACES TO BE PROVIDED AT PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN ENGLAND AND WALES BY MAJOR PROJECTS EITHER UNDER CONSTRUCTION ON 30TH JUNE, 1957, OR APPROVED BUT NOT STARTED ON THAT DATE. Status of Schools Number of Places Primary Secondary County and Controlled 90,590 321,350 Aided, Special Agreement and status not determined (including transitionally assisted) 10,810 28,045
§ Mr. Philip Bellasked the Minister of Education how many places he estimates will be provided in schools included in development plans other than schools already erected or in the course of erection or for which the commencement of building has been approved distinguishing between primary and secondary schools to be erected by denominational bodies and wholly at public expense, respectively.
§ Mr. Geoffrey LloydThis information could not be made available without a quite disproportionate expenditure of labour; in any case, owing to the changes in circumstances since development plans were first prepared, it would have no significance today.