§ 90. Mr. Awberyasked the Minister of Labour if he will publish in the OFFICIAL REPORT a summary of the draft Recommendations and draft Resolutions prepared by the Preparatory Technical Maritime Conference of the International Labour Organisation last year.
Mr. fain MacleodThe following is the summary asked for:
Summary of draft Recommendations and draft Resolutions adopted
Engagement of seafarers. The Conference adopted the text of a draft Recommendation urging member States to discourage seafarers within their territories from joining foreign flag vessels where—
- (a) conditions of employment are not in accordance with the collective agreements and social standards accepted in any of the traditional maritime countries and
- (b) proper provision is lacking for the return to the port of engagement or other agreed port of a seafarer employed on a vessel registered in a foreign country who is put ashore through no fault of his own, or for payment of compensation in respect of medical care and maintenance if a seafarer is put ashore in a foreign port due to sickness or injury incurred in the service of the vessel.
Flag transfer in relation to social conditions and safety. The Conference adapted the text of a draft resolution urging that the country of registration should exercise effective control over the safety and welfare conditions of seafarers in its ships, and in particular should apply regulations ensuring the observance of internationally accepted safety standards, arrange for proper inspection services, establish the requisite government-controlled agencies to supervise the engagement and discharge of seafarers, ensure that conditions of employment on board comply with the standards generally accepted by the traditional maritime countries, ensure full freedom of association for its seafarers, proper arrangements for their repatriation, and the issue of certificates of competency.
The Conference also recommended to the Governing Body of the I.L.O. arrangements to ensure that social problems affecting seafarers should not be overlooked when aspects of the problem of flag transfer are discussed in other international organisations.
Contents of ships' medicine chests and medical advice by radio to ships at sea. The Conference adopted the text of a draft Recommendation concerning (1) the contents of ships' medicine chests and (2) medical advice by radio to ships at sea, and suggesting a 126W minimal list of medicaments and surgical appliances to be carried on board ship.
The Conference also requested the Governing Body in co-operation with the World Health Organisation, to draw up an international model for the ships' medical guide.
Jurisdiction over the suspension or cancellation of officers' certificate of competency. The Conference adopted the text of a draft Resolution affirming the general principle that only the authorities of the State which has issued a competency certificate may suspend or cancel it, subject to certain limited exceptions provided in the Draft Resolution; the resolution also calls upon States Members of the I.L.O. to accede to the Brussels Convention of 1952 concerning penal jurisdiction in matters of collision or other incidents of navigation.
In addition to the above, the Conference adopted the text of a draft Convention concerning the form and contents of seafarers' national identity documents and their reciprocal recognition. Holders of valid documents would be entitled to readmission to the territory of the issuing country, and ratifying countries would agree to permit the entry of document holders for certain specified purposes, without prejudice to their right to refuse entry in individual cases.
General Revision of the Wages, Hours of Work and Manning (Sea) Convention (Revised) 1949
The Conference adopted by a majority a proposed revised text of this Convention the main amendment recommended being one which would permit Governments to exclude the wages provisions when ratifying the Convention. With a view to the possibility of more general agreement being reached on this subject, the Conference adopted a resolution recommending the Governing Body of the I.L.O. to set up a Tripartite Working Party to examine the possibility of submitting at a Special Maritime Session of the International Labour Conference in 1958 draft proposals designed to secure general agreement at that Session. This Working Party will meet in April. 1957.