HL Deb 11 July 1957 vol 204 c1080WA

asked Her Majesty's Government if they will state the number of passengers and the tons of freight carried by Air France, Sabena, K.L.M., Pan American Airways, B.O.A.C. and by B.E.A. respectively and also by British independent operators during 1955, 1956, and the first six months of 1957.


The foreign airlines mentioned do not publish statistics of tons of freight carried. Figures of freight ton-miles are therefore given instead. Traffic statistics for the first six months of 1957 are not yet available from any of these airlines. Figures for 1955 and 1956 relating to scheduled services are as follows:—

Passengers carried (thousands) Freight Traffic(2) (thousand ton-miles)
1955 1956 1955 1956
Air France 1,747 2,199 32,807 39,127
Sabena 393 463 13,991 15,802
K.L.M. 704 805 32,894 39,633
P.A.A. 2,150 2,505 66,249 80,923
B.O.A.C. 345 389 30,203 33,554
B.E.A. 2,157 2,436 9,148 11,321
U.K. Independents 541(1) 727(1) 9,151 6,339
(1) Includes passengers carried on Inclusive Tour services.
(2) Includes vehicles carried on vehicle ferry services.
House adjourned at ten minutes before nine o'clock.