HC Deb 27 February 1957 vol 565 c180W
101. Mr. Bottomley

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty the total numbers of admirals, captains and commanders on the active list at present; and how this compares with the years 1945 and 1951.

Mr. Soames

Following is the Answer:

At present 31/3/51 31/3/45
Officers of Flag Rank 96* 95 110†
Captains, R.N. 497 464 424†
Commanders 1,507 1,312 l,129†
* Plus two officers on loan to Commonwealth Navies and two about to retire.
† These wartime figures exclude very substantial numbers of retired temporary and acting officers serving at that time, the details of which are not available.

107. Air Commodore Harvey

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty how many admirals, vice-admirals and rear-admirals are serving on the active list of the Royal Navy; and how these numbers compare with 1951.

Mr. Soames

Following is the Answer: Excluding admirals of the fleet not holding Naval appointments the numbers of rear admirals and above serving on the active list now and on 31st March, 1951, are as follows:

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