HC Deb 28 March 1956 vol 550 cc208-9W
74 and 75. Mr. Ian Harvey

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty (1) why Mr. D. A. Gorham, who has served in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Air Division for three-and-a-half years and qualified as an artificer, has now been turned down for National Service with the Fleet Air Arm and instructed to join the Royal Air Force;

(2) why Mr. D. A. Gorham was accepted for duties with the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve three-and-a-half years ago when his medical category made his call-up for National Service with the Royal Navy impossible.

Mr. Ward

As I have already explained to my hon. Friend in course of correspondence, Mr. Gorham will now be accepted for National Service in the Royal Navy.

76. Mr. Ian Harvey

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty whether, in selecting a man as suitable for training in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, consideration is given to the possibility that he may subsequently be directed to do his National Service in the Royal Air Force.

Mr. Ward

No. Pre-National Service entrants into the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve are guaranteed acceptance for National Service in the Royal Navy subject to their being medically fit when called up. If they do not then reach the appropriate naval standards of medical fitness, they cannot normally be accepted and must perform their National Service in one of the other Services.