HC Deb 23 July 1956 vol 557 cc11-2W
Mr. J. Rodgers

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power how much concessionary coal was obtained by persons employed by the National Coal Board and what was the value of this coal at retail prices and at cost to the National Coal Board in 1955.

Mr. Aubrey Jones

The amount of free and concessionary coal issued by the National Coal Board in 1955 was 51 million tons. There can be no precise answer to the second part of the Question because retail prices vary according to quality and location, but in areas close to the main coalfields a typical house coal might sell retail at about £6 per ton, the realisation to the Board at pithead being about two-thirds of this.

Mr. J. Rodgers

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power what was the average amount of concessionary coal received last year by those entitled to draw it; and how this amount compares with the coal consumption by the average family of the general public.

Mr. Aubrey Jones

In 1955 those employees of the National Coal Board entitled to free or concessionary coal received on the average eight tons each. The average coal receipts per registered household were 2¼ tons in the North and 1½ tons in the South.