HC Deb 23 November 1955 vol 546 cc130-1W
Mr. Owen

asked the Minister of Education how many ex-Service men of the 1914 to 1918 war were accepted for training and subsequently appointed as teachers; and how many of these men were still employed as teachers at the nearest convenient date.

Sir D. Eccles

At least 5,700 ex-Service men from the 1914–18 war were accepted for training as teachers under a number of special schemes. I regret that statistics are not available which enable me to say how many of these men were appointed and how many are still employed as teachers.

Mr. Owen

asked the Minister of Education how many ex-Service men of the 1939 to 1945 war were accepted for training under the Teachers' Emergency Training Scheme; how many secured posts; and how many were still employed as teachers at the nearest convenient date.

Sir D. Eccles

Of the ex-Service men of the 1939–45 war, about 17,500 successfully completed courses under the Teachers' Emergency Training Scheme and many others were trained for teaching under other arrangements. They nearly all took up teaching posts, but statistics are not available to enable me to answer the last part of the Question.

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