HC Deb 23 June 1955 vol 542 cc88-9W
Mr. H. Hynd

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs the immunities and privileges accorded to officers and staffs of the diplomatic corps and international organisations; which persons have these immunities and privileges extended to their families; which organisations with offices in this country now qualify for these privileges; and how many people now in this country are regarded as entitled to these benefits.

Mr. Turton

Heads of foreign diplomatic missions in London, and members of their staffs, whose names are recorded in the list prepared in the Foreign Office under the Statute 7 Ann. Cap. 12, are entitled to claim diplomatic immunity from the jurisdiction of the English courts. The number of such persons whose names are at present recorded in the list is 2,522, of whom 688 are servants employed in the households of the heads of missions and in the chanceries. In addition, wives and families of the entitled persons are by custom regarded as sharing the immunity if resident with and dependent upon the entitled person.

Her Majesty's Government also accept and apply in relation to the Diplomatic Corps the principles of inviolability of person and residence and freedom of communication.

The fiscal privileges accorded to the members of the Diplomatic Corps are exemption from liability to United Kingdom Income Tax, and, on a basis of reciprocity, personal Customs franchise in respect of the importation or withdrawal from bond of dutiable goods destined for personal or family use or consumption, partial relief from payment of local rates on official premises and official residences, exemption from payment of motor car licence duty and from the payment of fees leviable for certain licences.

The immunities and privileges accorded to international organisations, their officers and staffs and their respective families, are in each case regulated by the terms of the relevant international agreement; and by the consequent Orders in Council made under the International Organisations (Immunities and Privileges) Act, 1950 (14 Geo. 6 Ch. 14).

Orders in Council under the Act are at present in force in relation to the undermentioned Organisations having offices in the United Kingdom:

  1. (1) United Nations:
    • United Nations Information Centre.
    • United Nations Postal Administration.
    • United Nations Children's Fund.
    • United Nations High Commission for Refugees.
    • United Nations Korean Reconstruction Agency.
  2. (2) International Labour Organisation.
  3. (3) International Sugar Council.
  4. (4) North Atlantic Treaty Organisation:
    • N.A.T.O. Military Standardisation Agency.
    • N.A.T.O. European Radio Frequency Agency.
The number of persons now in the United Kingdom who qualify for benefits conferred under the provisions of the Act is 109.