HC Deb 03 May 1954 vol 527 c5W
40. Mr. Awbery

asked the hon. Member for Salisbury, as representing the Charity Commissioners, how much money is now standing to the credit of the South African War Fund; how many veterans are receiving benefit from it; and if the amount now paid out to each recipient can be increased to meet the difficulties of the changed circumstances.

Mr. J. Morrison

The Report for 1953 of Lloyds Patriotic Fund states that, from the South African Fund, 1899, the Trustees can help men discharged "medically unfit" as a result of service in the Boer War, 1899–1902, who are still suffering from the disability for which they were discharged. The Fund exists only to assist those who satisfy those conditions. The balance in the Fund on 31st December, 1953, was £8,392. The Commissioners understand that the total number of men receiving regular help from the Fund at that date was 14 and that in addition special grants were made from the Fund during the year in a small number of cases. Lloyds Patriotic Fund decided in 1945 that £9,000 would be sufficient to maintain the existing level of grants for the likely duration of the Fund. The present balance is not thought to be more than just sufficient for that purpose. The Charity Commissioners have no grounds upon which to urge the trustees of the Fund to pay increased grants.