HC Deb 28 July 1954 vol 531 c54W
75. Mr. R. Harris

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies the amount of the losses from fire in Lagos, Ibadan and Onitsha; what fire-fighting arrangements exist in these towns; and if he will set up a fire service in Nigeria separate from the police.

Mr. Hopkinson

These are matters for the Government of Nigeria. I will ask the Governor for the information requested and will communicate with my hon. Friend when I have his reply.

76. Mr. R. Harris

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies if the report is yet available of the Home Office Fire Service Inspector who visited Nigeria early in 1954 at the request of the Nigerian Government to report on firefighting arrangements; and if the report, when ready, will be available to hon. Members.

Mr. Hopkinson

The report which is addressed to the Governor of Nigeria has just been submitted. It will be for the Nigerian Government to decide whether it should be published. If it is a copy will be placed in the Library.