§ Chairman
§ Sir Frederic Bartlett, C.B.E., M.A., F.R.S. (lately Professor of Experimental Psychology, University of Cambridge).
§ Members:
- W. V. Beard (General Secretary, United Patternmakers' Association).
- J. O. Blair-Cunynghame (Chief Personnel Officer, British Overseas Airways Corporation).
- Professor J. V. Connolly (Department of Aircraft Economics and Production, College of Aeronautics, Cranfield, Beds.).
- J. Crawford (General President, National Union of Boot and Shoe Operatives; Member of the Advisory Council, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research).
- Professor J. Drever, M.A. (Department of Psychology, University of Edinburgh).
- C. B. Frisby, Ph.D. (Director, National Institute of Industrial Psychology, London).
- L. V. Green (Head of the Personnel Research Department, Dunlop Rubber Co. Ltd.).
- Professor Esther M. Killick, M.Sc, M.B., M.R.C.P. (Department of Physiology, Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine, London).
- Professor W. E. Le Gros Clark, D.Sc, F.R.C.S., F.R.S. (Department of Human Anatomy, University of Oxford).
- N. G. McCulloch, C.B.E. (Deputy Chairman, Calico Printers' Association, Ltd.; Chairman, Council of the British Cotton Industry Research Association).
- Professor R. W. Russell, Ph.D. (Department of Psychology, University College, London).
- Miss Nora Wynne (Director, Carr's Biscuits, Ltd.).
- An Assessor from the Ministry of Labour and National Service.
§ Joint Secretaries:
- B. S. Lush, M.D., M.R.C.P. (Medical Research Council).
- Winston Rodgers, B.Sc. (D.S.I.R.).