HC Deb 10 December 1953 vol 521 cc274-5W
Mr. J. Johnson

asked the Undersecretary of State for Commonwealth Relations if he will give a detailed statement upon the division of constituencies in Southern Rhodesia for the forthcoming federal elections; the number of electors for the European members representing African interests in the Federal Assembly; and for the two African candidates for each of the two seats for specially elected African members.

Mr. J. Foster

Southern Rhodesia has, for the purpose of the elections of "elected members" of the Federal Assembly, been divided into fourteen Federal electoral districts as follows: Border; Bulawayo; Bulawayo Suburbs; Darwin; Midlands; Mrewa; Salisbury; Salisbury South; Salisbury Suburbs; Salisbury West; Sebakwe; Umguza; Umniati; Western. The full description of the boundaries of these electoral districts is much too lengthy for reproduction in the Official Report; but if the hon. Member wishes to consult the Regulations I will gladly give him the opportunity to do so.

The number of electors for the single European member from Southern Rhodesia charged with special responsibilities for African interests is 50,474. The number of electors for the two seats for "specially elected African members," i.e. Matabeleland and Mashonaland, is 24,425 and 26,049 respectively.

Mrs. White

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations what is the position of persons of mixed racial origin as electors and candidates in the federal elections in Central Africa.

Mr. J. Foster

Persons of mixed racial origin are subject to the same qualifications and disqualifications both as electors and as candidates as are persons of any other racial origin; except that they are not eligible for the six seats which the Constitution provides shall be filled by Africans, or for the three seats to be filled by Europeans representing African interests.