HC Deb 13 November 1952 vol 507 cc80-1W
90. Mr. Janner

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many senior girls in respect of whom approved school orders have been made in the London area are waiting in the remand home for a vacancy in the classifying school; and what is the average period such girls have to wait before being admitted to the classifying school.

Sir D. Maxwell Fyfe

On 31st October, 1952, seven senior girls who had been ordered by courts in London and Middlesex to be sent to approved schools were in remand homes awaiting admission to Magdalen Hospital classifying school. The average waiting period for admission to the classifying school is at present about two weeks.

91. Mr. Janner

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he is aware that the Cumberlow Lodge is continuously full and that senior girls on remand from the London juvenile courts are being sent to Exeter; and what steps he will take to provide adequate accommodation in London and save public expense being incurred for travelling to and from Devon.

Sir D. Maxwell Fyfe

The pressure on accommodation in remand homes for older girls in the London area has resulted from a recent and, I hope, temporary increase in the number of such girls brought before the courts. As an emergency measure, girls who are the subject of approved school orders already made by the Metropolitan juvenile courts and are accommodated in remand homes pending admission to the classifying school are being allocated direct to training approved schools, except in special cases; and older girls committed to approved schools by those courts in the future will be dealt with in the same way, for the time being.