HC Deb 12 May 1952 vol 500 cc87-8W
Mr. Erroll

asked the Assistant Postmaster-General if he will publish a list showing which telephone and ancillary rental increases in Statutory Instrument, 1952, No. 673, are the result of budgetary policy; and which are caused by increased costs and expenses in the operation and administration of the telephone service.

Mr. Gammans

The general ground for an increase in Post Office charges was described in my reply to the hon. Member for Caerphilly on 19th March last. The increase in telephone rental and ancillary charges is necessary in order to avoid a deficit on the operation of Post Office services, which would otherwise arise as a result of increased costs of labour and equipment.

Mr. Erroll

asked the Assistant Postmaster-General if he will explain on what basis the charge of £2, contained in Statutory Instrument No. 673 of 1952, was arrived at for the removal of a hand-microphone, without bell incorporated.

Mr. Gammans

This is the charge for taking out a black telephone at the subscriber's request and replacing it by a hand-microphone in a standard colour. The increase over the present charge of £1 3s. reflects the higher cost of a telephone in a standard colour and the increase in the labour costs of fitting the telephone.

Mr. Erroll

asked the Assistant Postmaster-General if he will explain on what basis the charge of £1 10s., contained in Statutory Instrument No. 673 of 1952, was arrived at for the removal of a telephone instrument cord not more than 15 feet long.

Mr. Gammans

The normal length of cord is six feet and the charge referred to by my hon. Friend is a maximum charge, which applies to the replacement of a cord of normal colour by a cord of non-standard colour up to 15 feet. The charge for replacing a cord of normal length and colour by one of greater length (up to 15 feet) is at present 4s. 7d., and this will become 8s. Od. The increased charges are based on the increased labour and material costs.

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