HC Deb 27 February 1952 vol 496 cc161-2W
Mr. Wade

asked the Minister of National Insurance on how many occasions during the last two years chairmen of local appeal tribunals have been dis-

Directors Company
Sir. G. L. Barstow, K.C.B. Agricultural Mortgage Corporation Limited.
Sir William Gavin, C.B.E.
E. L. Mitchell, Esq., C.B., C.B.E.
Sir. T. R. Gardiner, G.B.E., K.C.B.* Anglo-Iranian Oil Company.
Field Marshal the Viscount Alanbrook,* O.M., G.C.B., D.S.O.
A. Brackenridge, Esq. Bowaters Newfoundland Pulp and Paper Company Limited.
Sir Harold Barton British Film Production Fund Limited.
Donald Carter, Esq.
Frank A. Hoare, Esq.
Howard Thomas, Esq.
Major R. P. Baker
Sir Henry L. French, G.B.E., K.C.B.
Sir Arthur Jarratt
W. R. Fuller, Esq.
Councillor H. P. E. Mears, O.B.E.
W. J. Speakman, Esq.
D. E. Griffiths, Esq., O.B.E.
G. W. Dawson, Esq.
Frank Hill, Esq., M.V.O.
Sir Alan Saunders, K.B.E. British Sugar Corporation.
Lt.-Col. J. Leslie, D.S.O., M.C.
G. G. Barnes, Esq., C.B.E.
Sir Alexander Maxwell, K.C.M.G. British Travel and Holidays Association.
J.J. Taylor, Esq.
Tom Stephenson, Esq.
B. H. Russell, Esq.
Stanley Adams, Esq.
Hugh Wontner, Esq.
Norman Wood, Esq.
T. E. Beale, Esq.
G. B. Thorneycroft, Esq.
J. D. Morris, Esq., C.B., C.B.E. † S. G. Brown, Limited.
Major General L. B. Nicholls, C.B., C.B.E. Cable and Wireless Limited.
N. C. Chapling, Esq.
C. N. Gallie, Esq.
F. I. Ray, Esq.
A. H. Read, Esq., O.B.E., T.D.

missed; on how many occasions he has not renewed an appointment of a chairman on the expiration of the period of his appointment; and the names of chairmen dismissed or not re-appointed.

Mr. Turton

During the last two years the appointment of one chairman of a local appeal tribunal has been terminated. Out of 307 whose terms of office expired 23 were not re-appointed. I do not think that it would be proper for me to give the names of the individuals concerned.