HC Deb 19 February 1952 vol 496 cc6-7W
55. Mr. H. Hynd

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer how the 10,000 civil servants who are to be discharged will be selected; and whether they will include permanent as well as temporary staff.

Mr. R. A. Butler

To abolish 10,000 posts in six months will not mean discharging 10,000 individuals. The reduction will be made partly by cancelling vacancies as they occur in the normal way.

As regards the discharge of temporary staff who are redundant, there is a National Whitley Council Agreement on this which will govern the choice of individuals. Broadly speaking, this is based on the principle "first in, last out," except that ex-Service men of the 1914–18 war will not be discharged before other temporary staff in the group concerned.

Redundancy of permanent staff will be cleared mainly by transfers to other work in the same or another Department.

56. Mr. M. MacPherson

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer how many of the 10,000 civil servants to be dismissed within six months he estimates will be over 40 years of age, and how many over 50 years of age.

Mr. R. A. Butler

The reduction will be partly achieved by the cancellation of vacancies accruing in normal course. The selection of individual temporary civil servants for discharge will be according to length of service and not according to their age. It is impossible to estimate the age distribution of those who will be discharged.

60. Mr. M. MacPherson

asked the Secretary to the Treasury how many civil servants serving in Scotland he estimates will have been dismissed by the middle of 1952; and what are his plans for enabling them to obtain other work.

Mr. Boyd-Carpenter

As regards the Scottish Departments I would refer the hon. Member to the reply to a similar Question given by my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Scotland on 11th February.

As regards other Departments employing civil servants in Scotland, it is not yet known how many will be discharged. Civil servants who are declared redundant are advised to register at a local office of the Ministry of Labour, where every assistance will be given to help them to find other suitable employment.