HC Deb 29 April 1952 vol 499 cc75-6W
Captain Pilkington

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government when approval for the scheme to prevent a recurrence of the flooding in the Sheringham Road area of the borough of Poole is likely to go through, in view of the fact that in February last an investigation was promised at an early date.

To Australia To New Zealand
1946 1951 (b) 1946 1951 (b)
Agricultural 65 1,472 42 223
Commercial, Finance and Insurance 415 2,403 175 704
Professional 222 1,158 175 380
Skilled Trades Mining and Quarrying 17 360 5 19
Metal and Engineering 303 3,770 142 435
Building 236 1,281 21 135
Other 169 3,812 90 648
Transport and Communications 55 1,078 27 182
Labourers, not in Agriculture or Transport 23 1,622 13 63
Others 339 2,712 176 541
Children under 15 8,427 1,067
Children under 18 1,029 642
TOTAL 2,873 28,095 1,508 4,397
Under 5 3,354 471
5–14 5,073 596
15–19 1,563 215
Under 12 922 570
12–17 107 72
18–19 28 9
20–24 166 2,851 34 524
25–29 248 3,348 101 473
30–34 281 2,917 145 391
35–44 496 5,210 258 739
45–54 303 2,134 134 392
55 and over 277 1,570 174 546
Not specified 45 75 11 50
TOTAL 2,873 28,095 1,508 4,397
(a) Travelling direct by sea to take up residence for a year or more.
(b) Estimates based on a 50 per cent. sample.
… Not available.

Mr. Macmillan

The investigation has been made and I am awaiting my inspector's report.