HC Deb 26 July 1951 vol 491 cc91-2W
109. Major Vernon

asked the Minister of Labour what special steps he is taking to review the requirements for scientists and engineers, both at home and overseas, in relation to the available supply.

Mr. Robens

Yes. It has been decided to reconstitute the Technical Personnel Committee, which, under the chairmanship of Lord Hankey, dealt so successfully with questions of scientific and technical manpower during the last war and during the immediate post-war period. The new Committee will have rather wider terms of reference than the old one. It will review the requirements for scientists and engineers at home, and especially those arising from the defence programme, in relation to the available supply. It will also consider what more can be done to meet certain important overseas needs for people of the same type.

I am happy to say that Lord Hankey has agreed to serve as Chairman of the reconstituted Committee, and the Committee's membership and full terms of reference are as follow:



Chairman—the Rt. Hon. Lord Hankey, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O.

Members nominated by the Federation of British Industries:

Sir Arthur Fleming, C.B.E., D.Eng., M.Sc., F.C.G.I.

Sir Wallace Akers, C.B.E., F.R.1.C., Hon.D.Sc.

Captain A. M. Holbein, C.B.E., F.C.G.I.

Representative of the Universities: Sir Edward Appleton, G.B.E., K.C.B., F.R.S.

Chairman of the University Grants Committee: Sir Arthur Trueman, F.R.S., D.Sc.Lond.

Member representative of Science—(nominated by Lord President): Professor S. Zuckerman, C.B., F.R.S.

Treasury: Mr. S. L. Lees.

Foreign Office: Mr. E. A. Berthoud, C.M.G.

Colonial Office: Mr. R. A. Whittle, M.C.

Board of Trade: Mr. S. A. ff. Dakin.

Commonwealth Relations Office: Mr. A. C. B. Symon, C.M.G., O.B.E.

Ministry of Labour: Mr. H. M. D. Parker, C.B.E.

Ministry of Supply: Mr. W. D. Wilkinson, C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O., M.C.

Lord President's Office: Mr. E. D. T. Jourdain.

The Secretary will be Mr. A. J. S. James, Ministry of Labour and National Service.

Terms of Reference

(1) To consider, make recommendations and deal with questions relating to the home and overseas demand for the available supply of scientific and technical personnel of professional or approximately professional standards, including the making of recommendations on its economic use and the need for increasing the available supply.

(2) In connection with the overseas demand for such personnel:

  1. (a) To make recommendations upon appropriate steps to promote the recruitment from the United Kingdom of persons required to assist the economic development of under-developed countries.
  2. (b) To consider any special steps which are required to provide opportunities for training in the United Kingdom of persons from under-developed countries.

The Committee will be empowered to invite representatives from other Government Departments or outside interests to be present when matters of concern to them are being discussed.

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