§ Dr. Broughtonasked the President of the Board of Trade whether, having regard to the shortages which are developing in the principal natural fibres used in the textile industry and also in certain raw materials required in the manufacture of synthetic textile fibres, he will consult the textile industry and seek its advice in solving the problems arising 248W from competing demands from the textile industries for available fibres.
Mr. H. WilsonYes. I have set up a textile fibres advisory committee for this purpose, and I am happy to say that the following gentlemen, representing both sides of the wool, cotton and rayon industries, have been good enough to agree to serve under the chairmanship of my Parliamentary Secretary:
Mr. C. E. Birkenshaw; Mr. A. D. Carmichael, C.B.E.; Mr. W. L. Heywood, O.B.E.; Sir Ralph Lacey; Mr. P. S. Rendall; Mr. Alfred Roberts, C.B.E., J.P.; Sir Harry Shackleton; Mr. G. H. Spilman, F.R.I.C.; Sir E. Raymond Streat, C.B.E.; Mr. Walter Ward, O.B.E., J.P.; Mr. W. T. Winterbottom, C.B.E.
I am most grateful to these gentlemen for their co-operation in this task.