HC Deb 02 August 1951 vol 491 cc220-1W
25. Colonel Stoddart-Scott

asked the Minister of Health what salaries are paid to the caretaker and cook at the Queen Hotel, Harrogate, headquarters of Leeds Regional Hospital Board: whether these appointments were advertised; and what charges are made for the meals provided for members of the office staff.

Mr. Marquand

The only resident staff are the steward and his wife, who are responsible for catering, domestic work and stores for the whole building. They are paid, respectively,£540 and£340 per annum, less£140 each in respect of residential charges. They were appointed without advertisement because the steward had been in the board's service previously. The charges for meals to office staff are: Luncheon, and morning and afternoon tea—ls. 9d. per day; Morning and afternoon tea—3d. per day, or alternatively the Whitley rate of£20 per annum for all meals when on duty.

26. Colonel Stoddart-Scott

asked the Minister of Health why members of the Leeds Regional Hospital Board and their families have been accommodated at the Queen Hotel, Harrogate; what charges have been made; and if he will state what accommodation at this hotel is used by members of the administrative staff and upon what terms.

Mr. Marquand

Some members have to come long distances to attend board and committee meetings on successive days. At present four rooms have been made available for them to stay on such occasions. Members' families have not been allowed to use these rooms, except once when, in special circumstances, a member's wife was accommodated for one night only. The charge is 10s. a night for accommodation and 2s. 6d. for each meal. No members of the administrative staff occupy living accommodation at the board's headquarters.

27. Colonel Stoddart-Scott

asked the Minister of Health how many staff motor cars are owned by the Leeds Regional Hospital Board at their headquarters at the Queen Hotel, Harrogate; why the cars are used to bring members of the board to and from board meetings as well as for the purpose of visiting hospitals; and how much per mile is spent when these ears are used by members of the hospital board.

Mr. Marquand

The Board have one car. It is normally used to transport the chairman and members when visiting hospitals. In addition it occasionally meets members, coming to meetings from distant parts of the region, at railway stations other than Harrogate because it is more economical and convenient to do so. Figures are not available to show the cost per mile of these uses.

Colonel Stoddart-Scott

asked the Minister of Health the rent paid by the Leeds Regional Hospital Board for their accommodation at the Queen Hotel, Harrogate; whether the hotel has been taken on a lease; for how long; and did this accommodation have his sanction.

Mr. Marquand

With my approval, the regional hospital board hold a lease of the Queen Hotel for 25 years at£4,000 per annum. The accommodation is used for the headquarters of the board and will, in addition, house a preliminary training school for nurses and contain a hostel for nurses from the Harrogate hospitals.

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