HC Deb 09 November 1950 vol 480 cc87-8W
112. Mr. Ellis Smith

asked the Minister of Labour on what date he was asked to intervene in the present application for an increase in wages in the engineering industry [...] what action he took; what was the result; on what date he was asked that the application be referred to the Arbitration Tribunal, and what action has been taken.

Mr. Isaacs

On 17th July last I received a letter from the Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions, submitting a report under the Conditions of Employment and National Arbitration Order. 1940, in connection with their wage claim. Following informal conversations officers of my Department met representatives of the Engineering and Allied Employers Federation and the Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions later in the month to consider the situation. At this meeting it was agreed on my invitation to appoint a small informal committee of representatives of each side to see whether a basis could be found for a full resumption of negotiations. This committee met twice and there emerged a basis acceptable to both sides for a resumption of negotiations. Formal conferences between the parties followed on 20th September and 2nd October but agreement could not be reached on the Confederation claim.

On 19th October, the Confederation requested reference of their claim to the National Arbitration Tribunal, and this was made on 21st October. The hearing was on the 6th November and the Tribunal's award is awaited.

118. Mr. Ellis Smith

asked the Minister of Labour on what date the engineering unions made their last application for an advance in wages; and give the industries which have made advances in wages since that date.

Mr. Isaacs

Without special inquiry this information is not available.