HL Deb 21 July 1949 vol 164 cc384-6WA

asked His Majesty's Government whether they will publish in the OFFICIAL REPORT the terms of the communication made to the American Press and referred to in their reply on July 13.


The text of the paragraph in the British Information Services Press release of June 22 to which reference was made is as followsThe Government claims that its nationalisation plans are designed not on a theoretical basis but for efficiency purposes only. When complete, it is expected that 20 per cent. of the economy will be nationalised, while 80 per cent. will remain under private enterprise. So far, nationalisation covers the Bank of England, coal, civil aviation and telecommunications, inland transport, electricity supply and gas. After that, the present Government may bring the major iron and steel companies under public ownership, though left as separate units working in competition, and the present programme would be complete. Nationalisation in Britain means that the industry is run by a public Board under business experts, and not under a Government department. Britain has had a great deal of experience in 'public corporations' of this type. London's subways, for example, are regarded as a world model.

House adjourned at twenty-three minutes past seven o'clock.