HC Deb 17 March 1948 vol 448 cc250-2W
45. Mr. Digby

asked the Minister of Defence whether he will now give the details of the new scheme for the purchase of discharge from the Forces.

Mr. Alexander

Yes; the details are as follow:

(1) Artificer apprentices and band boys (Navy); Apprentice tradesmen and boys at Royal Military School of Music (Army); Group A apprentices (R.A.F.)
First 3 months 20
3 months—1 year 50
2nd year 100
3rd year 150
4th year (navy only) 175
(2) Other boys:
First 3 months 20
3 months—1 year 50
2nd year and until completion of training 80
(3) Artificers advanced from Apprentices (Navy), Ex-apprentice tradesmen (Army), Group A ex-Apprentices (R.A.F.) and Bandsmen trained at the Royal Military and Royal Marine Schools of Music.
1st year 175
2nd year 175
3rd year 150
4th year 125
5th year 100
6th year 75
7th to 16th year 50
After 16th year nil
(4) Soldiers who do not receive trade training (Army) and Group D airmen (R.A.F.)
First 3 months 20
3 months—1 year 75
2nd year 75
3rd year 70
4th year 65
5th year 60
6th year 55
7th to 16th year 50
After 16th year nil
(5) All other categories:
First 3 months 20
3 months—1 year 100
2nd year 100
3rd year 90
4th year 80
5th year 70
6th year 60
7th to 16th year 50
After 16th year nil


(a) Normally payment of the full amounts will be required. The Service Departments will, however, have discretion to reduce the rates on compassionate grounds, and even in extreme cases to remit them altogether.

(b) The purchase of discharge will have no effect on the gratuities to which men may be entitled on discharge.

(c) Discharge by purchase does not affect liability for service under the National Service Acts.

(d) In the case of men who enlisted on their current engagement as apprentices or boys, the period of service for determining the rate to be paid will reckon from the date of passing out of training as apprentices or boys, or from the commencement of the fixed term of their engagement, whichever is the later, but the period of 16 years after which free discharge may be allowed will reckon from the commencement of the fixed term of the engagement. In other cases, the period will reckon from the date of enlistment on the current engagement.

(e) The scheme applies to men serving on regular engagements; the position of men entered for short service under the bounty scheme is under consideration.

(f)The scheme does not apply to aircrew personnel in the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force. In view of the very high cost of aircrew training, such personnel will be allowed premature discharge only in very exceptional circumstances.

(g) Officer cadets (other than those who are trained as aircrew—see (f) above) in the Army and Royal Air Force will be allowed to purchase their discharge only in very exceptional circumstances and on payment of the sum of £200 or such less sum as may be fixed in individual cases by the War Office or Air Ministry.

(h) The scheme does not apply to members of the Women's Services; the question of purchase of discharge in their case will be considered in connection with their conditions of service.

(i) In the case of the Navy the introduction of the new rates will be subject to three months' notice; the purchase of discharge at existing rates on compassionate grounds, and for men in certain overborne categories will continue meanwhile.

The new rates will be introduced immediately in the Army and R.A.F. but intending applicants should wait until the necessary instructions telling them how to do so have been issued.

(j) The purchase of discharge, except for provisions in the Army and Air Force Acts relating to recruits within three months of enlistment, is a privilege and not a right. The Service Departments may withhold approval unless discharge can be granted without detriment to the Services.