HC Deb 28 April 1948 vol 450 c44W
61. Mr. Skinnard

asked the Minister of Food the difference in freight and loading costs per ton between Canary bananas and those purchased from Jamaica; and whether this accounts for the difference of £14 per ton between the prices paid to Spain and Jamaica for bananas.

Mr. Strachey

The freight rate on bananas from Jamaica is approximately £2 per ton higher than on bananas from the Canary Islands. I have no information on relative loading cysts. The Jamaican price for 1948 was agreed with representatives of the Industry and we fell in with the strongly expressed desire of the Jamaican producers for a long-term contract. The price for this year was maintained instead of dropping as provided under the existing contract, and the Ministry of Food have undertaken to purchase the entire exportable surplus for a further five years.