HC Deb 03 November 1947 vol 443 c141W
42. Mr. Spence

asked the Minister of Food which articles of food in our ration are to be cut to effect the saving of £12,000,000 per month in dollar purchases, forecast in August; and what is the anticipated saving in tonnage and in money for each article.

Dr. Summerskill

Following is the information: The cuts to which the hon. Member refers were, as the Prime Minister stated in this House on 6th August, cuts in our future programme of purchases. The programme cuts for the major items of food are as follows:

Tons per Month. £
Wheat 81,000 1,800,000
Meat 18,000 3,800,000
Cheese 7,000 1,500,000
Dried Egg 1,500 1,200,000
Animal Fats 4,700 900,000
Bacon 1,700 300,000
Canned Meat 3,000 400,000
Canned Fish 2,500 400,000

The remainder of the £12 million is made up by a number of smaller cuts affecting such foods as condensed milk, poultry, dried fruit, pulses, starch and coffee. Owing to the fact that our purchases of many of these items were committed some way ahead, the full effect of the cut in purchases will not be immediately reflected in imports.