§ Mr. Skeffington-Lodgeasked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs how many vacancies exist in industry and agriculture in the British zone of Germany; and what steps are being taken to fill these posts.
Mr. McNeilAbout 304,000 vacancies notified to labour offices were unfilled on 31st March. Every effort is made to fill vacancies from the German population, 147W from displaced persons and from returning German prisoners of war. All males between the ages of 14 and 65 and all females from 15 to 50, whether Germans or displaced persons, are required to register at German labour offices which offer vacancies to all suitable persons registered as unemployed and, if necessary, direct workers to essential industries. Special incentives are offered to attract men into coal mining, and priority of repatriation has been arranged for German prisoners of war willing to enter coal mining and forestry. A system of inspection and priorities has been set up to ensure that labour is not misused and that the requirements of essential industries are met as quickly as possible.